Our Saturday dances in January will be on the 6th and the 20th.
11220 Lone Star Rd.
Nampa, Idaho
We look forward to seeing you there! Bring your water bottles. And please bring a snack if possible. As always, we will need to clear an area of the floor for dancing, and we will need to stay afterward to clean up so that the building is ready for church services the next morning. There is no charge to attend. If you would like to donate, please make your contributions to the church, as they have waived the site use fee in order for us to be able to use the facility. https://www.therockcma.com/give

English Country Dance is an historic form of dance. Some of the dances we practice were originally written in the 1700’s. Some of the music is even earlier, possibly from the 1100’s. English Country Dance hearkens back to a time of honor and elegance, grace and chivalry, respect and courtesy, and we seek to cultivate that type of environment among our group as well. Please dress modestly. Feel free to dress elegantly, but casual attire is common and acceptable as well.