Here are a few things to expect when you attend our dances.
Please bring your water bottles. Hydration is important!
There is no charge to attend. Freely we have received, freely we give. If you would like to contribute to the church for use of the facilities please donate to them directly.
The church has graciously allowed us to use this space for our dance group as an outreach opportunity. Please be respectful of the facilities. We have to set up before the dance begins and clean up before we leave. Any help getting the building in order is always appreciated! Thank you!
We are hoping to create a fun, safe, and respectful dance experience for people in the Nampa area. It is an opportunity to fellowship, interact with other people in a safe environment, learn about historic dances, and get some fun exercise at the same time. That being said, we are relatively new and learning a lot as we go. If there are delays, technical difficulties, or hiccups, please be patient as we try to work them out.
English Country Dance is an historic form of dance, hearkening back to a time of chivalry and honor, formalities and etiquette, pleasantries and courtesy. We hope to encourage these attributes in our group as well and ask that people dress modestly to the best of their ability. We will also be bringing wrap skirts that can be worn over your clothes for ladies that want to use them.
Due to the tendency to have a disproportionate number of women to men, we will also be providing bow ties and top hats so that when a woman is dancing the man’s role, it is easier for others in the group to tell which is which. Sometimes a dance call will say “Men cross half way” or something like that, and it’s easier if there is a visual sometimes.
Please return the bow ties, top hats and skirts to the borrow box at the end of the dance. Thank you!
We understand that dance is a high energy activity. We have a short snack break half way through the dance. Please bring a snack to share.
Sometimes we may try to have an extra fancy dance called a Ball. We will discuss with the group in person what the general consensus is on scheduling a Ball. Once we have decided on a date, we will send out a notice to the group via the email newsletter.
The group is primarily for older teens and adults approximately ages 16 to 76. There is no childcare. If parents would like to bring their children, that is fine we love to have families participate, but parents must be present and be responsible for their children. This is not a drop-off activity.
We do a mix of both easy and more complicated dances. There should be something for everyone to enjoy at every dance. Come to learn, or come to sharpen you skills! We also encourage other people to call dances, although it can be helpful if we coordinate that ahead of time so please contact us.
If you have any questions or suggestions please use our contact form! We would love to hear from you.
God bless you.