July Dances – IMPORTANT

We are not going to be in Idaho for the majority of the month of July. We are for all intents and purposes canceling dances for the month of July.

However… if there is enough interest…
We MIGHT try to host a dance at the church on the 4th Saturday (July 27th), or possibly the Nampa Grange Hall on the 5th Monday (July 29th), depending on how things go.

Do you want to dance? Let us know!

Please watch your email for updates!

This page will not likely be updated again with general information. Urgent updates, notices about dances, and changes in schedule will all be sent out through the mailing list. If you haven’t signed up yet, you should do that right now while you’re still on this page.

We are going to be gone to CGDC in July. We will be driving (traveling with friends) to Southern California from Idaho through Oregon to pick up some friends along the way. We will have limited communication time. If you would like to join us at the conference, you can register here! https://cgdc.org